المؤتمر السعودي لزراعة الأعضاء

Dr. Erwin De Buijzer

Medical Director

Erwin de Buijzer was trained as a medical doctor in the Netherlands and worked in Surgery and Intensive Care, before he decided to pursue a career outside of the hospital. He did an MBA and worked in various managerial positions for Eurotransplant, the Dutch Transplantation Foundation, Abbott Laboratories and Danone. In 2012 he became CEO of a liver diagnostic startup and relocated to Berlin, Germany. Since October 2024 he is Medical Director at Eurotransplant International Foundation in Leiden, the Netherlands.
His experience combines a solid medical understanding and business background with a drive for innovation. He has implemented several donation and organ allocation related innovations, including Living Donor Kidney Exchange software and various process optimizations and data exchange projects.”

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